We meet every Wednesday.  The meetings begin promptly at 12:10 PM and finish by 12:50 PM.  This allows you to journey to and from your workplace inside a one-hour lunch window.

We meet in the large gymnasium of the YMCA of Kokomo Indiana.  The YMCA is in the heart of downtown Kokomo.  The street address is 200 N. Union Street.

Our schedule for the 2009-2010 season begins on Wednesday, September 16 and meets each Wednesday through December 16.  The second semester will run beginning on Wednesday, January 6, 2009 and run through May 19.

The YMCA sits at the corner of Walnut Street and Union Street one block east of the courthouse square in downtown Kokomo.  Parking is limited and HUDDLE guests are asked to park in the auxiliary parking lot one block north and east of the YMCA (next to CAM) or in the former Button Dodge lot just to the south of the YMCA.  A map is available

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